Monday, February 28, 2011


Just a few words to describe what I've been tasting until now:

"Bacalhau com natas":
One of the more than 500 different recipes that portuguese people have for cooking codfish. This one is like a pasty mixture of cod, mashed potatoes, white sauce (bechamel) and pepper, with melted cheese all over it and some decorative black olives. They also add some vegetables in some restaurants...

Bacalhau com natas
"Pasteis de nata":
I had the pleasure of tasting some of these when they'd been just cooked. They were still warm and, yes, I could be eating thousands of them, because they were really delicious. A little bit too sugared, but you know, I'm a greedy guy (golosón, golosón...)
Its taste can be compared to a croissant dough after a few seconds into the microwave oven and then filled with yummy pastry cream.

Pasteis de nata / Pasteis de Belém
There is a place in Lisbon which is famous for doing the best "pasteis de nata" all over Portugal. By the way, these "pasteis de nata" are also know as "pasteis de Belém", and you can read about their history here.

"Super Bock Preta":
As I had said before, this is a kind of stout (dark beer, like Guinness, but without so dense foam). It's ok, it's nice. I'm not an expert but I liked it. I still have a couple of them in the fridge besides some other different ones for tasting...

Mini Super Bock Preta
More news coming soon, see you!

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