Tuesday, July 5, 2011

IM big mess!

Four languages at a time... a whole new sensation!

Skype, spanish...
Gtalk, galician and portuguese ("galaico-portuguese" language actually, "portuñol" or something like that)
Facebook chat, english...

I'm not definitely good at english. I'm as good as you can see within this blog. But it was easier for me to change from english to anyone of the other languages than changing among them. The more similar they are, the more difficult it becomes. Specially between galician and my "kind of portuguese". It should be also difficult between spanish and galician, but I'm used to that. I'm also used to change from portuguese to english, specially when I can't manage to be understood because of the meaning of just a single word. Then I say it in english and the problem is over.

But when it comes to write in both galician and portuguese at a time, there are a lot of little things to take into account... and it's not so easy. But it's fun! It's even funnier when people you're talking to, do enjoy your own mistakes and they mess with you, they make jokes and so on... I'm not becoming a portuguese guys! I've always had a portuguese inside me! :D  

Next step, multiple chat conversation with those four languages involved. That will be a real mess indeed!

See you!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cerveja e tremoços

I'm working hard these days... But I decided to make an exception today (and "exception" is the word, believe me, because I'm coding some Java snippets). So, in order to improve the coding atmosphere, I decided to open a beer and take some pickles:

Like Lucky Strike in "Mad men": It's toasted.

I had heard of them, but I had never tasted'em.

It's easier when you are coding if you have something to eat and drink near you. But coke, chocolat and cookies are not so healthy...

The Sagres Bohemia Reserva 1835 is a limited edition of the Bohemia beer.  It's made for conmemorating the 170th year of the Cervejaria da Trindade and I like it. It would be even better if its colour was completely natural, but it isn't. They added caramel colouring :(

I have no much to say about lupins. They are like beans, they have a thick coat all around them and they are highly salted (not by themselves, but because of the salted water they are in). You must wash them before eating, otherwise you'll get you blood pressure touching the clouds. And damn, they are supposed to be healthier than cookies!

That's all, I'm going to keep myself focused on coding. See you!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Something you may want to know

You can see different kind of view for this blog:

You can choose your favorite now...

Thanks Blogger!

Hell, it was about time!

I know... all the week long without showing any signal of life, but it's being hard here... lots of things to do and not enough time for everything.

As a proof, these photographs below have been kept a whole week in the camera until they were processed today:

They belong to last weekend, when Paula, "a minha namorada" :D, came to visit Leiria (and me, of course). For privacy reasons, I'll only show you those photos where neither she nor I are shown. Hope you enjoy Leiria's castle.